Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Motherhood Taught Me Tonight

I just felt like sharing the cool experience I had with Caleb tonight. More and more I am realizing how being a mom is teaching me so much about myself and making me more into the woman God wants me to be. Today was a great day with Caleb! He went with me to my appointment this morning, we stopped by to see daddy at work, went to the park, ran errands, and just had lots of fun together.... that is until bedtime! Normally, Caleb is wonderful going to bed. Sometime around 7 he starts rubbing his eyes, and we read our stories, sing and put him in his crib. Well, we did that tonight, but he apparently didn't want to go to bed just yet! I was starving, and he just wanted to scream. :) While I calmly ate half my dinner, he continued to cry until I went in to check on him. We rocked and sang, and then I put him down again. Nope! He wasn't ready again. I just had to sigh and fight my frustration at this little baby! So... I did what I thought I should do and that was ignore whatever things I wanted to do and comfort my son. What a precious time we had! We sat in the chair in his room and sang and rocked for a long time. We haven't done that in such a long time, and it was precious to realize he was being comforted by my voice. I felt it was God's voice speaking to Caleb in those moments. He was in the room helping me comfort my son. When I finally put Caleb down, I could see the peace in his eyes. He looked so happy that I was staying with him and rubbing his tummy. At one point, he even grabbed my hands and was rubbing his tummy up and down with me.
So... motherhood taught me tonight of how rewarding it is when I become selfless.